The Blostma, whilst being called as such, hold the name with disdain for they see themselves as anything but. They begrudingly accept the title, however, because it is the one they find most tolerant. Anything else is mockery to their kind. Despite being mostly isolated in their sects across the world, they hold great status and regard of themselves like rulers and see humans as second-class if not the enemy of their people due to past actions. If such a viewpoint is true has yet to be seen, but they blame the humans for their current state as they tell their children and their children tell their children of the stories of their history of why they must hide away in their sects. With each generation the stories live on in songs and books (though songs are the ones sung the most) so that they never forget the atrocities that humans have done against them.
For in their eyes, humanity is the reason why they are godless.
Blostma by themselves aren't anything interesting. Despite looking more like animals in Victorian attire that can also stand on two legs, they aren't much to look at. More or less, they are simply anthropomorphic animals that have lived as long as humans have been around, if not longer. They take pride in the "if not longer" part, believing the history of their race being superior to humans due to simply existing for longer. Generally, one can find Blostma and their stories across the world, though the actual Blostma are estimated to live in the Eastern continents such as Africa, Asia, Europe, and even Australia!
What makes the Blostma unique is their Songs. It is believed to be something like that of magic, their songs practically capable of doing anything. As time has went on, Blostma have created cover songs based on established human
Ancient stories of Blostma capturing humans for years on end and eventually returning them have been read and recorded. However, recent events had suddenly contradicted this long-standing historical pattern. Official Blostma response indicaes that it was for anthropoligical reasons, given the seal of Queen Mab as evidence.
Similar to Christian monotheism, the Blostma worship Gar'jhen as their entity. Public knowledge about the god is narrow if not completely nonexistent, though that is to be expected when the Blostma themselves refuse to share their knowledge with humans. However, the next great focus of their culture is Songs.
Songs, in Blostma terms and viewpoints, are more than just simply magic. It is their identity and their legacy. They hold Notes, Songs, Melodies, and Symphonies in high regard. However, such explanations for the titles and distinctions have yet to be explained. Songs are an art form for the Blostma, and they explicitly indicate that Blostma Songs, while functionally similar to human music, have more functions than simply self-expression. Both as their weapon and their culture, it is no wonder they hold Songs in such high regard.
Last, but not least, are the Houses.
Like nobles, Houses are a family lineages of Blostma that have great power over the providences. Whether it be through how long their House has existed, military might, or other kinds of power, their influence can be felt thoughout the other minor Houses of the sects. As of right now, there are 3 notable Houses:
Other minor Houses tend to swear allegiance to larger Houses such as the ones mentioned above, fearing that their great power will erase them from history. And such erasure has happened before. And of typical politics, such minor Houses tend to marry their offspring to more influential Houses to gain power. However, there is one outlier that can make a Blostma the most powerful in the nation both figuratively and literally. That is becoming the King/Queen.
In the most literal sense, the Kings and Queens of the Blostma are similar to the royal family in the United Kingdom's Parliament, albeit different. The Blostma Monarchs don't act politically, the Houses are the ones that do so. They simply act as the representative of the Blostma provinces and sect whilst overseeing official government matters. However, the Kings and Queens of the Blostma are the most powerful Blostma amongst all of them.
According to the House of Blue Muses, the King and Queen are akin to demigods, holding the first Notes that Titania had sung to sing them to life. In this sense, they also take the role of a religious figure within the Blostma sects like how a Pharaoh is a divine intermediary between the mortal and divine.
The current Queen of the Blostma is named Mab, which an interview has hinted she is one of the kinder Queens in Blostma history. She is understanding of humans and their struggles, though this has caused her to become a political enemy of the House of Red Orchestras.